Gear Mill

Aluna Movement

Mindfulness and Chi Kung practice in daily life

Mindfulness and Chi Kung share in common the cultivation of awareness. Both avenues of practice nurture qualities of calm, insight, and kindness through meditation, in stillness and movement.

Meditation in movement and sitting meditation complement one another. Through grounding and alignment, cultivating balance and harmony – practice leads to deepening union with a wider ‘Eco-body.’ The taste of a vast sacred dance.

Great joy can arise as natural healing presence awakens in the practitioner, and brings resilience. Engendering peaceful embodiment, group practice may become an evolving mandala, which nourishes compassionate community.

‘Aluna is startlingly similar, for example, to the Buddhist concept of Tao,

the changeless reality which sustains heaven and earth.’

Alan Ereira, ‘The Heart of the World’

sun & sea


About Sophie

Sophie began her study of T’ai Chi at 17 with Beverley Milne in 1980, London. She trained as a T’ai Chi & Chi Kung instructor during the 1990’s and currently practices with Angus Clark.

She completed a Post-Graduate Diploma in Mindfulness Based Approaches at Exeter University in 2012.

She offers Mindfulness & Creativity courses, based on Danny Penman’s book: Mindfulness for Creativity.